УДК 338.43:658.5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-25

Сергій Олександрович ПАТЛАТЮК
викладач кафедри управління та адміністрування функцій обліку і оподаткування в системі фінансів, банківської справи та страхування,
Міжнародний технологічний університет «Миколаївська політехніка»
E-mail: patlatiuk.s.o.2017@gmail.com

JEL classification: D22; М11


Introduction. The effectiveness and validity of strategic decisions made by companies depends on the characteristics and prospects of the agricultural sector, the quality of their external and internal strategic analysis. The interdependence of sectors of the national economy, changes in their structure and borders, intersectoral integration, long-term partnerships, dependence on world markets and the development of sectors of the new economy are the reason for the high speed and unpredictability of business conditions in modern markets. In this situation, with often radical changes in the general conditions of doing business, especially with the growth of crisis phenomena, traditional methods and tools of strategic analysis become unusable or ineffective because they do not allow companies to obtain sufficient information to form strategies and overcome possible crises.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to develop a model of dynamic strategic analysis of the operating system of an agricultural enterprise using modern methods and tools for its implementation.

Results. The study proposes the concept and model of dynamic internal strategic analysis of the operating system of an agricultural enterprise, based on the integration of market and resource approaches to strategy. The model of dynamic internal strategic analysis includes blocks of analysis and evaluation of strategic assets of the enterprise, as well as identification of strategic assets that the company needs to maintain the stability of competitive advantages and strengthen the ability to overcome crises in the markets. Central to the concept is the focus of internal strategic analysis on the strategic perspective, including the analysis of strategic factors of success and survival.

Keywords: methods, tools, strategic analysis, operational activities, model of strategic analysis.

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