УДК 338.242.2:631.11

Dmytro Valeriiovych LYPOVYY
applicant, Department of Economics and Marketing,
Kharkiv Petrо Vasуlenko National Technical University of Agriculture


Introduction. The formation of marketing and marketing strategies for integrated enterprises should be in the scenario of using a specific marketing tool through attracting 4P.

The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical basis on the marketing development directions and marketing policies of integrated enterprises with the simultaneous introduction of appropriate strategic management tools to their production and commercial activities in order to ensure their further development.

Results. The main objectives of marketing and marketing policies are the combination of a single system of commodity, price and communication policies of the enterprise to form an effective system of product distribution. This will allow managing the channels of product sales of the integrated enterprise with the main goal – the commodity batches formation, required for sales volumes according to the direct marketing scheme to the most important consumers of primary processing products – to exporters, as well as to increase the sales volumes of their products at zero-level channels, as well as to form the products distribution system in the time plane, which is caused by the peculiarities and, in particular, seasonality in the field of agro-industrial production. Design of new integrated enterprises is possible by separate production lines. Thus, one of the options is the grain destination enterprise.

Conclusions. The use of the toolkit for formation in integrated enterprises of marketing activity and marketing is offered through the separation of certain features of strategic management at new functional and operational levels of the infrastructure of the agro-food market, as well as the definition of the necessity of introducing internal vertical integration in agrarian production.

Keywords: marketing; sales; strategy; management; integrated enterprise; performance.


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The article was received 05.08.2018