УДК: 330:15
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-15
JEL classification: Q01; Q25; Q28; Q56; P28
The article examines the essence and main goals of the circular economy. The connection between the circular economy and the achievement of the goals of sustainable development has been studied. The positive effect of the introduction of the circular economy for the social, economic and ecological system was determined. Reducing the scarcity of natural resources, as well as the creation of durable goods, allows reducing the negative impact on the environment, which in turn stimulates innovation, which increases competitive advantages in international markets. The peculiarities of the development of circular economy models in developed countries are considered. The peculiarities of the economic category of water and its role in the economy are analyzed. The different roles of water emphasize its uniqueness and prove the difficulty of adopting a unified approach to it in the circular economy. The dynamics of indicators of the water capacity of Ukraine’s GDP and volumes of return (waste) water discharged into surface water bodies were analyzed. It was determined that the rethinking of the urban water supply system through the principles of the circular economy and the goals of sustainable development will reduce the amount of polluted water and increase its reuse.It was determined that Ukraine is one of the least water-supplied countries in Europe, the annual runoff reserves available for use per person do not exceed 1,000 m3, while the GDP water capacity indicator remains sufficiently high and exceeds its target value. The dynamics of the indicator of the water capacity of the GDP of Ukraine has been analyzed, it has a tendency to decrease for the years 2015-2022. The characteristic problems of the functioning of urban water supply and drainage systems in the front-line territories and safer cities, where the number of internally displaced people has increased, are analyzed. It was analyzed that not all classic circular economy strategies can be applied to water. Strategies of the circular economy of water are considered and it is emphasized that rethinking is inherent in all water strategies. It has been analyzed that the implementation of the circular economy may face financial, bureaucratic and behavioral problems and regulatory, legislative, managerial and implementation obstacles.
Keywords: circular economy, water resources, sustainable development, integrated management of water resources, state policy, goals of sustainable development, strategies, economic model, water supply and drainage system.
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The article was received 18.12.2023