УДК 330.1:338
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-16
JEL classification: Q13
Introduction. Against the background of the destruction of rules and principles of economic development that existed during the Soviet Union, and the struggle for independence, Ukraine has entered a period of profound transformation in all areas of the economy as a whole and individual economic entity. The new level of relations with the external environment and the consequences of the global economic crisis required urgent changes in the form of ownership of production facilities, principles of foreign economic activity, system of state control and taxation, monetary system, approaches to investment and innovation mechanisms.
The purpose of this article is study of the causes of transformation processes in the system of food industry enterprises and substantiation of the peculiarities of their development in the conditions of reforming the agricultural sector of the country’s economy.
Results. The results of the study show that the prerequisites for transformations in the national economy as a whole and in particular, can be structured as follows: reforming the management system of the economy of the post-Soviet space in order to build market relations, the consequences of which make changes to the financial and economic system of the enterprise; Ukraine’s integration into international cooperation, focus on EU cooperation, which is an impetus for innovative transformations; the purpose of entrepreneurial activity, which is an incentive to search for new ideas and transformation of business policy.
Conclusions. The real preconditions which are an impetus for transformations of the enterprise are defined, namely: the consequences of global economic crises of the period of independence of Ukraine, which require the search for effective mechanisms for their elimination or leveling; reforming the management system of the economy of the post-Soviet space in order to build market relations; European integration and the processes of globalization that stimulate innovative development and related transformations; the goals and objectives of the business of a modern enterprise, which is an incentive to seek new ideas and transform business policy.
Keywords: transformation, transformation processes, food industry enterprises, agricultural sector, structural changes.
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