УДК 339.97.1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-28

Chepeliuk Marharyta,
Doctor of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Business Administration
National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

JEL classification: F29, O30, M31

The study analyzes the transformation of Ukraine’s business environment in the face of unprecedented external challenges and disruptive changes in the global economy. The work highlights ways domestic businesses adapt by modifying operating models and management approaches in challenging market conditions after 2014. The study identifies new trends in management practices, including the introduction of advanced decision-making systems, the rapid adoption of management innovations, and the growing role of digital inequality between regions. Particular attention is paid to methods for increasing the resilience of organizations and introducing progressive approaches to management in periods of instability. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive analysis and comparative assessment, combining data from leading global consulting companies and government agencies. The work offers practical recommendations for improving organizational management structures in the face of external pressure and outlines key areas of business model evolution in modern realities. The development of agile management methodologies (Agile) and digital transformation are becoming critically important for business survival under high uncertainty. Ukrainian enterprises that implement these approaches effectively will gain significant competitive advantages in the domestic and international markets. Another important aspect is that modern management tools allow you to better adapt to work in distributed teams and remote work, which has become especially relevant during the war. Digital transformation tools, customer experience management, and flexible work models help maintain business efficiency even under challenging conditions.

Keywords: digital inequality, strategic management, organizational change, economic turbulence, sustainable development, digital transformation.


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The article was received 11.10.2024