УДК 65.012.4:65.014:331:338.124
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-51
JEL classification: М11; L21
The article provides an analytical review of the operational management system and its directions of transformation under crisis conditions. It demonstrates that an enterprise’s operational management structure should consider not only production processes but also marketing and financial processes, information systems, accounting activities, development planning, and personnel management. Effective company operations require well-coordinated interactions between all these processes. Therefore, the transformation of operational management must rely on a systematic approach, enabling it to cope with and adapt to a constantly changing environment. Special attention must be given to financial and social aspects in crisis conditions, as these play a critical role in anti-crisis measures. The article aims to explore the theoretical foundations of systemic transformation in operational management and develop recommendations for improving it in complex, crisis-driven environments. The research object is the financial-social aspects of operational management system transformation. Heightened focus on the social component of operational management reflects the growing importance of personnel over business processes, making employee-focused strategies a priority for any organization. The article outlines anti-crisis management directions that impact personnel management, remaining relevant today, and presents a list of measures to improve financial management efficiency within a company’s operational system during crises. The study finds that reorganizing financial areas in a crisis primarily requires utilizing internal financial resources and optimizing inflow and outflow streams. Measures are proposed to maximize incoming cash flows and reduce outgoing flows.
Keywords: operational system, operational management, anti-crisis management, personnel management system, motivational policy.
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The article was received 04.08.2024