УДК: 03.08.2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-52

Lozhachevska Olena,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Management,
National Transport University
Zos–Kior Mykola,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of I. Markina Department of Management,
Poltava State Agrarian University
Hnatenko Iryna,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business,
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

JEL classification: O 10, O 33

The article examines the transformation of the change management strategy of a competitive enterprise by developing effective digitalization in the face of security threats. In the modern world, business operations are increasingly dependent on digital technologies, and enterprises face significant challenges in the face of instability and security threats, including cyber and physical risks. Digital transformation allows you to adapt faster to market changes, increases the competitiveness and flexibility of the company, helps optimize processes, and provides better information protection. Implementing digitalization in the change management strategy helps enterprises respond faster to external threats and be more resilient to potential risks. Developing an effective digital strategy, which involves innovative approaches to collecting, analyzing, and managing data, provides the ability to make quick decisions and be flexible in times of crisis. Also, such an approach helps to improve internal communications, ensure business continuity, and increase productivity. The prospects for studying the transformation of the change management strategy of a competitive enterprise through the development of digitalization in the context of security threats are significant for ensuring stability, efficiency, and long-term development of the business. The study of innovative approaches to digital security opens opportunities for creating new data protection mechanisms that ensure the enterprise’s resilience to various threats. Such transformation involves adapting management strategies to unstable conditions and expanding the enterprise’s capabilities for timely adaptation to external changes. Research in this area provides the basis for the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which can significantly increase the efficiency of decision-making and data analysis processes, especially in crisis situations. The development of digitalization also contributes to the optimization of internal communication processes, which, in turn, accelerates the response to market changes and improves the coordination of actions at all levels of management. Deepening research in digital transformation helps to understand the impact of digital technologies on competitiveness, creating the prerequisites for developing innovative approaches to working with customers and strengthening the company’s position in the market. The development of digital technologies in crisis management is becoming essential to ensuring business continuity, which is especially relevant in aggravating security threats. Thus, the prospects of this research cover a wide range of areas, including increasing resilience, speed of adaptation, operational efficiency, and competitiveness of the enterprise, turning digital tools into a decisive factor in supporting sustainable growth in the modern business environment.

Keywords: transformations, strategy, management, organization of activities, change management, digital-oriented enterprise, enterprise development, security threats, competitiveness, efficiency.


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The article was received 03.08.2024