УДК: 338.432:332.62
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-19
JEL classification: Q10
The article represents the systematization of trends in the development of specialization of agricultural enterprises and the principles of its management at the agricultural enterprises. Features of agricultural enterprises’ market environment and risks in managing agricultural enterprises’ commodity specialization are summarized. The main areas of improvement of the management system of farming enterprises in the context of transforming their product specialization under market conditions have been determined. Currently, two trends in the development of the profession are key. The first is characterized by the enterprise specializing in producing several commercial products: one or two in crop production and one or two in animal production, with the simultaneous development of several other ancillary industries. This is the first trend now. The second trend is that the enterprise specializes in producing one type of product: beef, pork, poultry, eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc. Many enterprises currently carry out production on an industrial basis; the production organization characterizes them with a completed cycle and the overall development of inter-economic relations and cooperation. Cooperation in creating large enterprises for meat production, which became the main factor in deepening their specialization, gained a particularly significant development. It has been established that in current conditions, the specialization of the enterprise inevitably leads to the development and integration of small and large enterprises. Specialized enterprises have significant advantages, one of which is that they have more stable connections with suppliers and consumers, and thus logistics and sales are simplified and improved. Specialized enterprises work in the conditions of a more limited range of raw materials and components supplied by cooperatives.
Keywords: specialization, production structure, management systems, market environment, agricultural enterprises.
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The article was received 20.02.2023