УДК: 330.110.08
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-2-58
JEL classification: O 15, Q 32
The article discusses the features of the transformation of enterprise development management in an inclusive economy, emphasizing the significant benefits of inclusive entrepreneurship. This article reflects a new approach to enterprise management, one that opens up new opportunities and increases organizational competitiveness. The purpose of the study is to consider theoretical issues related to the spread of inclusive policy in the management and development of modern enterprises and organizations. An inclusive approach to financial and economic activities expands the company’s ability to increase competitiveness in the market by: expanding the sales market; creating a barrier-free environment to attract new employees; enhancing the company’s brand values and consumer loyalty; piquing investors’ interest; and creating a positive reputation in the market. The main directions of transformation of enterprise development management in the context of inclusive entrepreneurship are determined. The main directions of changes in enterprises’ pricing and investment policy in implementing the principles of inclusive development are generalized. Changing the management strategy in the formation of the personnel potential of the enterprise should consider the principles of implementation of inclusive business development. They are based on increasing the participation of all segments of the population in society, especially those who have difficulties in physical development. In the context of the implementation of the principles of inclusive development, the pricing policy of the enterprise should be aimed at ensuring the availability of goods (services) for the most vulnerable segments of the population. The possibilities of implementing the principles of inclusive development, which will increase the competitiveness of the enterprise (organization), are identified. These include increasing the potential by expanding the market for products, entering new market segments, and improving the reputation of the enterprise. The presented data indicate the need to create equal employment opportunities for socially vulnerable segments of the population, as well as proposals for new approaches to solving the problems of consumers with special needs. The implementation of the principles of inclusive development involves changes in the pricing, personnel and production policy of the enterprise. These changes not only enhance the enterprise’s competitiveness but also bolster its reputation as a socially responsible entity, thereby reassuring stakeholders about the potential benefits of this approach.
Keywords: inclusive economy, enterprise management, vulnerable groups of the population, business, economy, employment
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The article was received 12.04.2024