УДК: 331.108

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-65

Zapsha Halyna,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Odessa State Agrarian University,
Sedov Viacheslav,
Post graduate student Head of the educational and methodical Department of Odessa State Agrarian University,

JEL classification: M 12

The article conducts a scientific study of the essence of the “personnel” category, summarizes the normative and legal principles of defining the content of the concept of “highly qualified personnel”, and reveals the potential benefits of the proposed comprehensive approach to modernizing the system of training highly qualified personnel for the agrarian sector of the economy in the conditions of modern transformations. The role and place of the agricultural sector in developing the national economy are revealed. The factors that determine the need to modernize are characterized by the strengthening of the influence of globalization processes, the acceleration of scientific and technical progress, climate change, and the aggravation of socio-economic problems in connection with the war. Modern vectors of development of scientific and technical progress in the context of Industry 4.0 and the justified need to implement the strategy of introducing innovations in the agricultural sector are highlighted. The experience of innovative activities of leading agricultural enterprises of the country was studied. The direct dependence of the effectiveness of the implementation of the innovative development strategy on the quality of personnel in the agricultural sector has been proven. A comprehensive approach to the modernization of the system of training highly qualified personnel for the agrarian sector of the economy as a holistic management system with the definition of its goals, principles, functions, methods, personnel support, organizational structures and other components is proposed. The applied use of the research results, which are significant, will contribute to the improvement of the training of highly qualified personnel for the agricultural sector in the conditions of modern transformations.

Keywords: personnel, highly qualified personnel, agricultural sector, personnel training system, agricultural institutions of higher education, modern transformations.


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The article was received 15.01.2024