УДК: 338.48/351.82

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-15

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Management and Administration; Separate Structural Subdivision of Higher Education Institution «Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine»
Mykolaiv Institute of Human Development
doctor of economic sciences, Ph. D. in physical and mathematical sciences, professor, deputy director of the Institute, Separate Structural Subdivision of Higher Education Institution «Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine»
Mykolaiv Institute of Human Development
Applicant, the Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Marketing, Business, and Trade,
Odesa National University of Technology

JEL classification: L83


Introduction. The tourism industry in many countries around the world is a priority for not only ethnic culture, but also the national / regional economy as a whole. At the same time, the tourism industry is a specific and quite complex object of public administration. The current situation in the tourism sector requires the state to seek ways to overcome the crisis actively, intensify the production of tourism products to ensure the necessary quality and effective implementation of existing tourism potential.

The purpose of the article is to study the basis for the formation and development of tourism potential of Ukraine due to the crisis, new opportunities for state regulation of tourism market transformations in accordance with modern conditions and determine its impact on national tourism in the modernization of public policy.

Results. The mechanism of integrated tourism development and infrastructure rehabilitation has allowed to form centers of growth and regional development and to ensure the functioning of interregional ties in tourism. The conceptual mechanism of formation and development of tourism potential of Ukraine is substantiated, including through a system of key institutional actors that determine its public administration and identify priority functions of the state in the field of tourism. A number of main problems that hinder the realization of Ukraine’s tourism potential have been identified and basic conceptual tasks of state regulation at the current stage of development of the tourism services market have been proposed. At the same time, the priorities of the near future development of state policy in the field of tourism are: to develop the tourism industry and tourism by ensuring income growth, job creation, improving the quality and standard of living of citizens; rational use of tourism resources, including finance; to create conditions for the implementation of activities designed to educate, train and rehabilitate citizens; to form the consciousness of the population, which is expressed in hospitality towards tourists coming from other countries, etc.

Conclusions. According to the results of the research it is established that the development of the tourist sphere does not correspond to the tourist potential in Ukraine, and the basic limiting factors of its realization and formation are determined. The degree of overcoming the crisis in the tourism industry depends on the capabilities of the national economy, as well as on the strategic goals of tourism policy of the state, local governments and tourism organizations. State policy in the field of tourism as a directed activity of the state, designed to ensure the regulation of the organization and functioning of tourism, to provide conditions for the development of tourism and attract tourists from other countries.

Keywords: tourism, tourism potential, tourism industry (sphere), tourism product (service), tourism market, tourism crisis, priorities of state policy in the field of tourism.


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The article was received 02.04.2022