УДК: 338.42: 331.556
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-1-24
JEL classification: F22; L83; O15
International processes of globalization are intensifying labor migration. With the proclamation of independence in Ukraine, migration processes, especially labor, have significantly revived, and obtaining a visa-free regime has greatly simplified the international mobility of its citizens. In this regard, studies of the relationship between tourist activity and labor migration of the population of Ukraine are updated. A comparison of the essence of the concepts of “migration” and “tourism” indicates the presence of common essential features, in particular the moment of movement. This makes tourism one of the types of migration and a classification unit of international migration. Other common features are due to certain aspects of migration and tourist movements, their functions. Despite these common features, tourism and migration are not identical. It is more appropriate to consider tourism as a form of human resource movement that makes it similar to migration, and such a variety as international tourism can serve as an incentive for further migration, primarily labor or educational, legal or illegal. It is determined that increasing the spatial activity of human resources to change their socio-economic characteristics, expanding worldview and accumulation of knowledge, as well as the transformation of forms in international movement of these resources cause diversity of actions and relationships that indirectly affect the movement of individuals. This, in turn, leads to a combination of tourism and migration processes both in terms of their essence and practical implementation. It is established that the main modern issues of the international movement of human resources, some forms of which are migration and tourism, are: international conceptualization and unification of terminology, optimization of accounting methodology, development of new multilevel systems of management and regulatory influence.
Key words: international human resources movement; tourism; labor migration; illegal migration; integration.
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The article was received 15.01.2020