УДК: 330.1: 303.342
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-38
JEL classification: А 13
The rapid development of technologies has initiated the emergence of an information technology concept that integrates computing resources into physical processes. New technologies that combine physical, information and biological worlds can create opportunities and threats.
The purpose of the article is to research a number of theoretical issues related to analyzing the threats of the fourth industrial revolution to the development of national socio-economic systems.
With the modern state of technology, socio-economic systems should be considered cyber-physical, in which the organizational, economic, technological, mental and institutional, and other aspects of functioning are interrelated.
Changes to the fourth industrial revolution are planned through various technological interventions and the formation of desirable human behavior. This allows the use of resources, technology, and information that are contrary to the interests of individual national socio-economic systems.
The lack of universal ethical perceptions of the fairness of the socio-economic system jeopardizes international instruments for balancing the interests of national States and the global economic system.
A unique role in ensuring the development of socio-economic systems belongs to a person with a holistic perception of the world, a system of values, and decision-making criteria for their functioning.
The socio-economic system should be considered a living, open system that needs to be developed to influence the movement process and achieve the desired state by managing this process.
National socio-economic systems’ stability and efficiency depend on the flexibility and rigidity necessary to ensure their integrity.
Keywords: the fourth industrial revolution, the socio-economic system, the global economy, the ideological function of managing the socio-economic system.
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The article was received 12.01.2024