УДК: 631.1:338.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-2
JEL classification: M31; Q13
The peculiarity of managing the competitiveness of agricultural and agro-service enterprises is related to the fact that their economic activity is influenced by many factors that act with different intensities and directions in different conditions. At the same time, a significant part of the problems faced by such enterprises can be solved by improving the management of their activity of a production and commercial nature, first, marketing of their products, which is a crucial area of activity in determining business directions under the conditions of a market economy. Any enterprise’s production and commercial activity is characterized by cyclicality, and sales is its decisive stage because it forms the enterprise’s financial results. Ensuring the maximization of profit from the sale of the company’s products as the main task of improving the management of the marketing system requires, first of all, focusing efforts on correcting the company’s sales policy. Solving the problem of gaps in time and space that separate the product from the consumer requires the effective use of various distribution channels and the joint efforts of the manufacturer and intermediaries to coordinate and implement marketing strategies and create competitive advantages. Intermediary structures, which form many product distribution channels, can ensure the implementation of numerous marketing functions. Planning of sales activities is related to the choice of the distribution channel, the number of intermediaries, the promotion methods, or their influence on implementing the enterprise’s price and product policy. The criteria for choosing intermediaries are their experience, economic results of cooperation with them, solvency, compatibility when working with other organizations, and reputation. It was determined that the relationship between the manufacturer and intermediaries is built through the manufacturer’s cooperation with intermediaries, long-term partnership, or distribution planning, during which the manufacturer and the intermediary sell its products most efficiently.
Keywords: marketing management, production, and sales activities, sales channels, agricultural service enterprises.
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The article was received 08.09.2023