УДК: 005.21.351.77(477)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-33
JEL classification: I10, I15
Introduction. The main goal of the effective medical management is to provide patients with medical services quality at all stages of providing medical care. The process of strategic management of health care is based on the tasks of improving the quality of medical services.
The purpose of the article is to form the theoretical foundations of strategic management of medical services quality in modern business conditions.
Results. The analysis of normative information support of scientific, theoretical and practical components of strategic management of medical services quality is carried out, the results of which will allow to study more deeply the problem of improving the quality of medical services for a particular patient and health care in general. The regulatory and legal support of strategic management of medical services quality was investigated. Certain elements of the quality management system of medical services in the modeled strategic management act as variables and are filled with a lot of information that characterizes the process of providing and effectiveness of medical services. Thus, the use of tools, measures and statistical methods to measure and predict the quality of health services will provide a system of strategic management in the field of health. Effective strategic management of health services quality requires timely, objective, unbiased and sound information about changes that occur in the process of providing health services. It confirms the feasibility of using the tool of strategic management in health care – monitoring the quality of health services. The main fundamental approaches to the targeted effectiveness of the socio-economic system in the field of health care are studied. The process of assessing the quality of medical services is analyzed.
Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it is proved that the analysis of the quality of medical services should take into account their compliance with the currently established national standards, expectations and needs of consumers. The basis of strategic quality management of medical services is the process of continuous improvement of the quality of medical services.
Keywords: health care, quality of medical services, quality assessments of medical services, strategic management, strategy, health care institution, standardization.
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The article was received 14.10.2020