УДК 631.11:631.1:330.33.012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-13
JEL classification: Q10; L21
The current level of competition between agricultural enterprises both on the foreign and domestic markets forces managers to switch to new management approaches. Among the modern innovative methods of management, the process approach turned out to be the most progressive, organizations that use it have significant competitive advantages over others. That is why the use of a process approach to management is promising in the modern conditions of the development of enterprises in the agricultural sector. The study of the essence of the process approach and the advantages of its use are relevant for national agricultural enterprises. The method of writing the article is the process of analyzing theoretical approaches regarding the essence, classification and advantages and disadvantages of managing business processes in the agricultural sector. The essence and classification of business processes of agricultural enterprises were revealed, which made it possible to systematize the main advantages of the transition to a process management approach. A theoretical study of the features of the process management approach was carried out. The result obtained during the study of the relevant experience of using the process approach of the enterprise confirms the conclusions formed about the effectiveness and efficiency of this approach to management not only of agricultural enterprises, but also of other types of economic activity. It is emphasized that the managers of enterprises begin to gain significant advantages of using the process approach of management due to the digitization and automation of business processes. It was determined that the business process should be understood as a set of interrelated works on the production of finished agricultural products or the provision of services based on resource consumption. It is proven that the management of business processes is aimed at the efficiency of quality service to consumers (clients) considering the entry and exit of the business process. At the same time, during the management of business processes, all material, financial and information flows are considered in interaction. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of the relevant business process is based on the use of information systems. Creation of appropriate information systems for the creation of enterprises by individual order. Therefore, the transition to a business management process became not only long-term in implementation, but also financially costly.
Keywords: business process management, agricultural sector, digitization, automation.
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The article was received 20.10.2024