УДК 65.012.8: 338.24.1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-3

Nitsenko Vitalii,
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University,
Samoilyk Iuliia,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy,
Hrynko Oleksandr,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy,

JEL classification: D81, M11, O33

It has been established that modern conditions of economic instability are characterized by rapid changes in demand, supply, and other business parameters, forcing enterprises to seek new solutions to ensure their competitiveness. The necessity of flexible logistics systems management has been proven, allowing for adaptation to new challenges, enhancing the effectiveness of management practices, and ensuring sustainable business development. Theoretical approaches to developing logistics systems play a crucial role in addressing these tasks, particularly by implementing innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and automation. The development of logistics systems is characterized as a complex and multidimensional task that requires flexibility, innovation, and sustainability to overcome economic risks. A logistics system structure is presented, including the main objective, core idea, goals, functions, principles, and the primary aim within the context of international logistics systems. The main directions for decision-making in conditions of economic instability are discussed, including risk and uncertainty analysis, resource and asset diversification, cost reduction, process optimization, flexible planning, innovation, digitalization, and a focus on resilience. The proposed theoretical approaches to developing logistics systems as adaptive, innovative, risk-oriented, customer-focused, and cooperative− contribute to effective functioning and adaptation in a rapidly changing economic environment. It has been demonstrated that important directions for ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of businesses include: firstly, the adaptability of logistics systems to unstable conditions, which entails their ability to respond quickly to changes in market situations, economic crises, fluctuations in demand, and other external factors; and secondly, the integration of innovative technologies into local processes (digital platforms for monitoring; the use of big data; automation and robotics).

Keywords: adaptability, economic instability, efficiency, logistics system, development, management, enterprise.


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The article was received 29.10.2024