УДК: 331.108

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-42

Liliіa Kharchevnikova
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Organization of Production, Business And Management, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture

JEL classification: D21


Introduction. In the context of integration and globalization of the world economy, the socio-economic efficiency of the enterprise is the main prerequisite for ensuring its competitiveness at both national and global levels. Ensuring the effectiveness of personnel management helps to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, which is one of the most important tasks for the national economy. Acting as the main criterion for the functioning of the subsystem of personnel management at the enterprise, the effectiveness of personnel management reflects the level of formation, accumulation and use of human, social and intellectual capital.

The purpose of the article is to determine the methodological foundations of the organization and evaluate the effectiveness of the use of functional training for the personnel management at the enterprise.

Results. The analysis of personnel management by its essence and key characteristics, as well as the study of the evolution of approaches to determining the effectiveness of the enterprise made it possible to clarify the nature of managerial influence to bring personnel management subsystems in the right state. Synthesis of the obtained generalized definitions of efficiency and personnel management, as well as morphological analysis of existing scientific interpretations of the definition of “personnel management efficiency” allowed to offer an author’s understanding based on targeted, cost and system approaches. to offer a set of measures of organizational and economic support to increase personnel management efficiency. It has been identified that the most influential tools that can improve the quality of staff work are careers and staff motivation. The conceptual determinants of ensuring the personnel management efficiency at enterprises are substantiated.

Keywords: personnel, personnel management, management efficiency, determinants of ensuring effective personnel management.


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The article was received 15.10.2020