УДК 331.5(477)372
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-3
JEL classification: J21
Introduction. The article states that the effective attraction and use of skilled labor is one of the key factors of economic growth. The multifactorial impact of migration on the socio-economic situation of the country requires constant improvement of the system of regulation of international labor migration in order to obtain socio-economic benefits from state participation in migration processes and so on.
The purpose of the study, despite the necessary theoretical and methodological basis and conceptual apparatus of the studied issues, is further theoretical substantiation, development of scientific and methodological principles and practical recommendations aimed at improving the system of international migration of economically active population in globalization.
Results. It is determined that the economic category “international labor migration” is a direct manifestation of the existence of the international (world) labor market, which is developing due to the uneven distribution of labor resources between countries. The main reasons for the intensification of migration processes in the world economy have been identified. The interpretation of the concept of labor migration as the movement of personnel outside certain territories within the country or abroad, due to a change of place of employment and residence. As a social phenomenon, migration includes three parameters: a person’s change of coordinates of their location (mobility factor), a person’s intentions to improve their financial and social status (need factor) and a person’s attempt to settle in a new place and consider his/her “second home” (stability factor). The basic types of labor migration are determined depending on the classification criteria. In this case, the factors that determine the labor migration of personnel, according to the source, can be divided into internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous). The main motives for citizens to go abroad for employment have been studied.
Conclusions. The positive and negative consequences of international migration of the economically active population are substantiated. The areas of employment of Ukrainian labor migrants abroad have been identified.
Key words: migration, migration processes, international labor migration, labor migrant, migration policy, economic activity of the population, state regulation.
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The article was received 01.10.2020