УДК 338.48(477)(045)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-8
JEL classification: Z32
Introduction. The analysis of the tourist market of Ukraine is carried out and on its basis prospects of development are given in article. According to the World Economic Forum, over the past two years, Ukraine has had the fastest growth rate in the sub-region, having risen by 10 places and ranked 78th in the world in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index. Instead, the World Tourism and Travel Council’s growth forecast for the domestic tourism industry over the coming years is rather insignificant and driven primarily by a small amount of investment in the sector.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the current trends and hidden opportunities for the Ukrainian tourist market development in the conditions of unstable socio-economic situation in Ukraine and in the world, as well as to identify perspectives of this phenomenon.
Research methodology. The study uses theoretical, methodological and systematic methods of source base analysis, descriptive and structural analysis to evaluate the state of the tourism market in Ukraine and its development prospects.
Results of this study: It was found that the number of Ukrainian tourists in European resorts has increased since the visa-free regime. With the appearance of low-cost companies in Ukraine, transport infrastructure has improved, regional airports have begun to develop and new routes have been opened, which has significantly affected the number of tourists. The increase in the passenger traffic of the major Ukrainian airports is being observed. The project “Tourist Clusters 300+” was created, which according to the initiators of the project will bring to the country up to 1.5 billion dollars investment.
Conclusions. In general, Ukraine has become more accessible to foreigners and domestic tourists alike. Among the priority areas for tourism development in Ukraine are the domestic tourism development, promotion of the country abroad, infrastructure and education in the tourism sector.
Keywords: tourist market, inbound travel, outbound travel, low cost airlines, tourist clusters.
- United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Available at: http://www2.unwto.org/
- World travel and tourism council (WTTC). Available at: https://www.wttc.org/
- The World Economic Forum (WEF). Available at: https://www.weforum.org/
- Official site of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Available at: https://dpsu.gov.ua
- Official site of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine. Available at: https://www.me.gov.ua/?lang=uk-UA
- Domestic tourism in Ukraine: obstacles and prospects. Available at: http://argumentua.com/stati/vnutrennii-turizm-v-ukraine-prepyatstviya-i-perspektivy
- Available at: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Туристичний_кластер
- Official site of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Available at: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/
- Tourseason-2018-2019: Visa Free, Low Cost and Air Delay. Available at: https://ua.112.ua/statji/tursezon-2018-2019-bezviz-loukostery-i-zatrymky-aviareisiv-474149.html
- Lowcost from Ukraine. Available at: http://freetravel.com.ua/flight/ukraine/lowcost
- What have the results of the airports of Ukraine in 2018? Available at: https://www.avianews.com/ukraine/2019/01/05/airports_ukraine_2018_results/
The article was received 15.12.2019