УДК 338.45
JEL classification: M15, Q19
Introduction. The stable innovative development of the industry is the basis for increasing the agricultural enterprises competitiveness. It is provided with information and consulting services that include science, education and manufacturing. International practice indicates the need to involve public funds in this process.
The purpose of the article is to analyze of the modern information and consultation system on the example of the agroindustrial complexes of the Kharkiv region and the introduction of a regional Extension-service based on the web-service.
Results. The reasons for the production volumes decrease in the agroindustrial complex (decrease of the complex efficiency, non-compliance of agricultural technologies, irrational land use, insufficient professional training of employees of agricultural enterprises) were identified. The demand for information and consulting services in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex of Kharkiv region has been established. The analysis of the regional system of information and consulting service for agribusiness was carried out. The disadvantages of such service are identified: inconsistency and separation of its individual units, random and haphazard nature of interconnections between elements of the system, insufficient level of utilization of the scientific potential, in particular educational institutions of agrarian education. The scheme of Extension activity organization of information and consulting service is presented. The essence, purpose and main tasks of the web-portal creation project of agro-information advisory service are described. The organizational structure of the enterprises agro-web-service project in Kharkiv region is presented. The important aspects of information agro-web-resource creation are highlighted.
Conclusions. The dependence between the enterprise efficiency and its ability to navigate in new economic conditions is pointed out. The project implementation expediency of information and consulting web-service at the regional level is substantiated. Outcomes from this project implementation are outlined.
Keywords: informational support of agroindustrial complex, market of information and consulting services, market infrastructure, Extension-activity, agro-informative advisory web-service.
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The article was received 22.12.2018