УДК 339.168.6:338.47
JEL classification: E22; H54; Q14
Introduction. The article substantiates the important role of the state in the investments attracting process in the agricultural sector development. The modern development of the agricultural sector at all levels cannot be implemented effectively in the face of significant transformational changes, global challenges and complex economic environment. Agrarian business entities need investment state-level support for reproduction processes in order to enhance their competitiveness, which in general will have a positive impact on all other related industries.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the necessity for government involvement in the process of attracting investment in the agricultural sector development.
Results. The factors that influence the investment process in the agricultural sector are distinguished: those that depend on the producer and those that do not depend on him. The levers of direct and indirect regulation of the investment environment by the state are determined. The role of state regulation and support of the agro-industrial complex in Ukraine is weakened, as opposed to the examples of European countries. The experience of financing agricultural enterprises in Germany is generalized. When substantiating the directions of state regulation in the agrarian sphere, it is advisable to take into account the experience of the countries with economies in transition (Poland, Slovenia, etc.), which implies the refusal of continuous support in the direction of the certain measures introduction to stimulate the agrarian business subjects activity by the state.
Conclusions. The lack of sufficient internal financial resources requires using of the international investment cooperation experience, taking into account its positive and negative sides that take place in the socio-economic life of other countries. Analysis of Ukrainian comparative advantages in the international labor division, the dynamics of foreign direct investment in the main branches of its economy, their geographical and sectoral structure prove the feasibility of using foreign direct investment as a suitable form of international investment cooperation.
Key words: appraisal, investments, projects, investments, regional development, investment attraction, state support, investing.
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The article was received 03.12.2018