УДК 336.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-2-7
JEL classification: H53; R23; J11; O18
Introduction. Dependence of the rural areas condition on the level of social infrastructure determines necessitates its definition as a priority direction of support from the state. Analysis of the current state of scientific research allows to substantiate the relevance of determining the social infrastructure role in shaping the demographic potential of region rural areas.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the social infrastructure role in shaping the demographic potential of rural areas in the region.
Results. The implementation effectiveness of the Law of Ukraine «On the priority of social development of the village and agro-industrial complex in the national economy» is considered. The similarity of the motives between the rural population and the state is determined regarding the invariability of the way of life in the countryside. The social infrastructure development in rural areas makes the transition of the agricultural segment to market conditions cheaper. The ineffectiveness of the normative support for the Ukrainian village development is proved, which is confirmed by the lack of its proper institutional form or inadequate implementation. Measures to provide rural settlements with the necessary infrastructure are presented developed by experts of the National Institute for Strategic Studies. It is argued that improving the village’s social infrastructure efficiency will inevitably affect the living standards of the rural population and will help to bring the living conditions in the countryside closer to urban standards.
Conclusions. A full and highly organized social infrastructure, along with the availability of high-paying jobs, is an indispensable condition for the formation and development of demographic potential. Due to the current critical state of the social sphere of the village, and beyond it, and other aspects of rural life, it is necessary to implement measures for the development of social infrastructure with appropriate institutional support.
Key words: regional policy, social infrastructure, resource potential, demographic potential, rural areas.
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The article was received 15.02.2019