УДК: 338.2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-17

Kravchyk Yurii,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
Khmelnytskyi National University,
Gudz Iurii,
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Private Higher Educational Establishment «European University»,

JEL classification: M31; Q13

The dynamism and unpredictability of the modern market dictate the conditions for successful business development. To solve the most critical task – operational adaptation to what is happening – the enterprise must consider not only its internal state but also the features of the external environment. That is why there is a need for a strategy, and its development becomes the main task of planning. The primary mission of the marketing strategy is to find solutions aimed at the complete satisfaction of consumer requests and obtaining advantages compared to competitors. A competent, well-founded strategy contributes to the enterprise’s survival in an unfavorable environment. Its choice depends on the situation where the enterprise is located. Marketing programs, both short-term and long-term, require the development and application of such a strategy, which, under the given conditions, would meet the state economic policy as much as possible and, at the same time, provide commercial structures with the necessary efficiency, profitability, and material interest in the results of work. Working on the company’s strategy is one of the elements of forecasting, without which full-fledged planning is impossible. Thinking through various scenarios, accounting for multiple factors, and identifying competitive advantages make it possible to choose a direction of development and plan behavior in any situation. Marketing strategy includes specific strategies for activities in target markets, the marketing mix used, and marketing costs. Marketing strategies are based on clear principles, but this does not mean their mechanical application can automatically ensure success. Therefore, combining knowledge, experience, and a flexible approach is necessary. The marketing strategy is built considering certain probable unpredictability of the development of the market situation, which also depends on various market fluctuations in the field of demand and competition. The strategy provides for the step-by-step deployment of activities and the setting of intermediate goals and tasks for one or another stage. It connects all these stages and plans with a single basis for making informed decisions.

Keywords: marketing, marketing strategy, system, product, market, competition, promotion.


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The article was received 02.03.2023