УДК: 659.1:330.123.41.5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-31
JEL classification: L86; M31; M37
Introduction. The national problem of timely delivery of goods from production to the population, the formation of demand for them, taking into account the socio-demographic characteristics of certain groups of consumers, the education of the rational needs of people requires advertising. Its role is especially growing in a market economy, competitive environment, constant updating of the range of goods, the complexity of the design of many household goods. Comprehensive information for the population about consumer properties and ways of using goods are the most important tasks of advertising.
The purpose of this article is to research features of Internet advertising in the company advertising management.
Results. The features of Internet advertising to promote products on the market is considered. The main types of Internet advertising and their features in the company management system are studied. The main advantages of Internet advertising and its shortcomings in the system of marketing tools to promote products on the market are highlighted. The volume of the Internet advertising market, the volume of the search advertising market in Ukraine, the share of social media and messengers, %, the share of Mobile in media Internet advertising, % were studied. It is established that the volume of the Internet advertising market in 2019 in Ukraine amounted to 12.6 billion hryvnias, which exceeds the results of 2018 by 35%, the share of mobile paid search in 2019 increased to 73% compared to 66% in 2018 and 56% in 2017. The share of advertising expenditures in social media and messengers in agencies continues to grow actively and in 2019 the scale was 45.5%, which is 11% more than in 2018. The share of mobile in online Internet advertising continues to grow and reached 47.7% in 2019. The share of digital video has slightly increased compared to 2018.
Conclusions. As a means of communication between the company and its consumers, Internet advertising creates new opportunities, in particular related to the personification of contact and dialogue between both stakeholders. As a form of interpersonal communication, online advertising acts both as a means of self-expression and as a means of forming interest groups. Its role is also important in other spheres of society.
Keywords: marketing, advertising management, online advertising, targeted advertising, social networks, key performance indicators, cost per click, cost per 1000 impressions.
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The article was received 10.07.2020