УДК: 336.763 : 339.9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-1-54
JEL classification: R53; H54
This article examines the features of providing information support and sets out the documentation that reveals the volumes and trends of stock market trading and substantiated analytical data. For this purpose, examples of specific issuers of securities are given, which provide more complete data on their information and documents because they are active participants in exchange trading on the stock market. Along with this, they demonstrate a conscious need to involve other participants in stock market trading by conducting a dividend policy and cash payments according to the shares assigned to the owners of their shares. This explains a more specific study of the state and features of information support and documentation in such a way as to reflect the necessary data for all stock market participants with an analytical context. Hence, the article’s purpose is to describe the information support and documentation provided by the issuers of securities, which relates to their participation in stock market trading. For this purpose, those enterprises are considered issuers of securities. They are noted for outstanding excellence in disclosing their information and maintaining documentary forms regarding their participation in the stock exchange. In the future, such data will be a complete basis for improving the stock market’s activity and carrying out stock market trading. That is, justified optimization of information support and forms of documentation so that it is available to a wide range of stock market participants and improves the reliability of analytical research. This is based on the novelty, according to which the documentation disclosed by these specified enterprises, which are stable issuers of securities, is determined according to data that has an essential analytical value. Their realized dividend policy, which aims to achieve profitability jointly, is also justified. As a result of conducting these studies on the disclosure, provision, and access to information and documentation, the volume of relationships between various stock market participants is increasing, which is aimed at promoting the rate of increase in income. The more vivid example is the disclosure of data on price fluctuations during exchange trading at the values of securities, separately set by the issuer to attract shareholders and on the stock market, where the difference may become a source of income. Therefore, further research of information and documentation will further optimize the submission of data by participants, which will allow the activation of relationships between them while involving other people to improve stock market trading in this way, after which the stock market itself will acquire a completely different, more efficient state and appearance.
Keywords: stock market, stock trading, information, documentation, securities, shares, dividends.
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The article was received 02.02.2023