УДК: 354:631.1:664
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-34
JEL classification: Q18
Agriculture is system-forming in the national economy, which makes it one of the key sectors of the economy, which determines food and, within certain limits, economic, environmental and energy security of the state. The priority of attention to agricultural producers is determined by the irreplaceability of their products and food in the human life and society, its exceptional social significance. The purpose of the article is to study the essence of the definition of “food security” and determine the place and role of agricultural producers in the food security management system. It was determined that definitely food security is an object of consideration, mostly at the global, national and regional levels of the formation and functioning of socio-economic systems. In the context of this, it is emphasized that the activity of agricultural enterprises is the basis of creating an offer of agro-food products on the market, which is the basis of compliance with food security at all levels. The identification of the place and role of the agricultural producer as a basic hierarchical unit in the management system of the formation and observance of food security at the subject, local and national levels is substantiated. It has been established that agricultural enterprises accumulate the necessary resources for food production, its supply on the market and distribution on the basis of social responsibility, and have the appropriate management capabilities to implement activities to ensure food security without significant additional material costs. It is also substantiated that compliance with food safety at any level consists of the formation of a market offer of agro-food products in volumes sufficient for consumption according to the defined rational norms, with an appropriate level of quality in accordance with the safety requirements of the specified products.
Keywords: food safety, rational consumption, product quality management, agricultural producer.
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The article was received 28.03.2022