УДК: 332.025.12
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-1-6
JEL classification: H55; J26
Introduction. It is important to study the problems of the modern pension system in Ukraine and find ways to improve its development in the context of European integration. In this context, the issue of structural and parametric transformation deserves attention, which will create conditions for equalization of lifelong consumption, poverty reduction among people who have lost their ability to work, increase their quality of life, reduce social differentiation, economic growth through pension contributions.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and practical approaches to the development of the pension system in Ukraine.
Results. The essence of the pension system, pension, pension provision is theoretically substantiated, their structure, functions are clarified, scientific approaches are generalized and own interpretation of the concept “pension system” is offered. It is a set of legal, economic, social, financial and organizational norms and institutions to create appropriate conditions that act as a leading factor in social reproduction for the material security of individuals in the form of decent pension benefits. The levels, tasks, tools, components of the implementation of pension policy and strategies for the development of pension provision are substantiated. A retrospective analysis of the formation and development of the pension system in Ukraine, to determine the features of the current stage and prospects for transformation in the context of European integration. The peculiarities of the structure and dynamics of the development of the system of solidary pension provision of persons who have lost their ability to work, its efficiency and fairness have been studied. Organizational-institutional and functional changes in the national pension system are substantiated, ways to implement them in the context of European experience are developed.
Conclusions. The current pension system of Ukraine in legal, organizational, economic and social terms needs fundamental changes that would make it adequate to the conditions of the transition period and socially-oriented market economy.
Keywords: pension system; private pension provision; investments; cumulative pension provision; an economy; economic policy; financial instruments.
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The article was received 18.12.2020