УДК: 330

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-31

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship, Khmelnytskyi National University
PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Administration, Khmelnytskyi National University
PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Administration, Khmelnytskyi National University

JEL classification: F01; O19


The purpose of the article is to consider the development of transnational economic structures in the context of globalization processes, taking into account economic and non-economic factors. The article examines the theoretical foundations of the processes of transnationalization, the problems of foreign economic relations, the globalization of the economy and its relationship with the processes of economic development. The impact of transnational economic structures on socio-economic structures depends on the state’s ability to find effective forms and methods of their use in its national interests. The consequence of the high degree of production internationalization at the largest TNCs was their establishment of dominance in the world commodity markets and in the leading sectors of the world economy. The decisive role of giant monopolies in the world market is determined by the fact that they occupy a dominant position not only in production and commercial export, but also in the trade of patents and licenses, the provision of technical services, the implementation of contract works, since the main part of scientific and technical activities, achievements and advanced production experience are concentrated in their hands. The main reasons for the emergence of transnational corporations under the influence of the integration and globalization processes of the world economy are considered. The thesis is proved that modern transnational economic structures represent economic structures with a complex organization, which strive to achieve a positive synergistic effect and a positive economic result, taking into account discounting at a certain stage of planning. Recently, TNCs have been dynamically increasing the volume of capital investments in developing countries, which is explained by the stabilization of the economic situation there and the appearance of new investment proposals, the implementation of profitable contracts. The analysis of the activities of the largest transnational corporations was carried out and the factors of their success were determined. The advantages and disadvantages of direct foreign investment of transnational economic structures, as the main form of expansion of their activities, are outlined. The main positive features of the TNCs activities in the territories of the countries are: creation of supply and satisfaction of population demand for new products; increase in population employment and creation of new jobs; increase in revenues to the national budgets of countries. The main negative features include: monopolization of power; creation of negative competition for national producers by monopolistic pricing of products; the primary satisfaction of one’s own interests, regardless the needs of states. The dynamics of the sectoral and regional movement of direct foreign investments of transnational corporations are considered. Transnational corporations penetrate all sectors of the economy, however, the activities of most TNCs are related to the production sector of the economy. The largest benefits from the financial and economic activity of TNCs are brought to them by the base countries, the domains of which are the most developed states of the world.

Keywords: transnational economic structures, globalization, processes of transnationalization, transnational corporations, international economy.


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The article was received 10.04.2022