УДК 311.21:331.56
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-38
JEL classification: J28; R23
Introduction. The current trends in the development of socio-economic systems in a globalization dimension lead to an update of the labor market regulation system. In today’s conditions in Ukraine, the expectations of the population to improve well-being and quality of life are linked to the exercise of the right to decent work. Reforming labor market regulation processes should ensure both the current internal needs of Ukrainian society and the realization of its European integration priorities.
The purpose of the research is to develop modern principles of methodological basis of labor market regulation.
Results. Current conditions of Ukrainian economy as a social and economic system have been defined as a crisis. The content of labor market regulation is considered. It is determined that the mechanism of the labor market regulation is a set of normative, legislative or collective agreements, which are guided by partners in the implementation of employment policy. The mechanism of labor market regulation covers the list of economic, social, psychological factors that determine the functioning of the labor market. The mechanism of labor market regulation in the conditions of socio-economic crisis should cover the purpose, agents, objects, subject of investigationсу, functional support of the goal realization, principles, methods (means), instruments of influence. The purpose of regulating the labor market is related to its state regulation. It is established that objects of state regulation of the labor market are the processes and conditions of functioning and reproduction of the labor force, employment of the population and its individual groups, to which the organizational, coordination and stimulating activity of the relevant subjects of state power structures, the system of labor organization (conditions, regulation, payment, etc.). The objective is clearly defined proportions of government regulation, self-regulation and contractual regulation, substantiation of the limit level of state intervention in issues of employment and social protection of the unemployed. The subjects are represented by the authorities, individuals and legal entities, trade unions, associations and all other participants in labor relations. The object of the mechanism is the social-labor relations between the employee and the employer, as well as the processes and conditions of the labor market. Between subjects and objects should be social dialogue. The subject is seen as problems and contradictions of functioning of the labor market at all levels. Groups of regulatory methods include administrative, informational, economic and organizational-managerial. The functions of the mechanism are represented by planning, motivation, organization and control. The list of general, special principles and principles of the systematic approach of the state regulatory policy in the labor market is given.
Keywords: labor market, economic activity of the population, employment of the population, employment level, regulation of the labor market, mechanism of regulation, labor resources.
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The article was received 15.07.2019