УДК: 338.483.1(477)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-6
JEL classification: Z32
The article presents and substantiates the need to assess the effectiveness of using the tourist potential of Novomoskovsk, Dnipropetrovsk region. The criteria for evaluating efficiency are defined, and the use of a methodical approach to assessing the tourist potential of Novomoskovsk is proposed, with the possibility of using this method in the conditions of any region, if factors affecting the effectiveness of using the tourist potential of the studied territory are adapted. It has been proven that the analysis of the tourist resource potential of the territory is the initial scientific basis for developing strategies and plans for developing tourism at the regional level. The main criteria of classification characteristics and features of comprehensive assessment, which determine the state and prospects for the development of the tourist resource potential of the territory and its impact on the city’s socio-economic development, are defined and proposed. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in determining the integral indicator of the tourist potential of Novomoskovsk, Dnipropetrovsk region. Based on 20 factors, it was 22.4. The found integral assessment reflects that the current level of development of the tourist potential of Novomoskovsk satisfies the needs of tourists who come from different regions to varying degrees; almost all factors of the tourism potential of Novomoskovsk need quality improvement since the maximum possible value is 27 points. The study’s results update that organizing tourist activities on the territory requires a comprehensive assessment of tourist resources, which will become an objective basis for developing tourist potential. In addition, a competent and comprehensive analysis of the tourist potential can and should become the basis for developing and implementing an effective mechanism for the use of tourist resources, an opportunity for justified use of the principle of payment for nature use.
Keywords: tourist industry, tourist and recreational potential, socio-economic development, destination, main tourist product, accompanying tourist product, extended tourist product, integral assessment.
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The article was received 15.07.2023