УДК 316.72:338.48
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-5
JEL classification: F23, L83
Communication is a crucial element of cross-cultural management because culture is transmitted and reproduced through communication in one form of interaction or another. In general, any act of communication is determined in one way or another by the cultural differences of its participants. Cross-cultural communication occurs when an individual belonging to one culture sends a message to an individual belonging to another culture. Mistakes in cross-cultural communication occur when a representative of another culture needs to receive the message in the meaning that the sender attached. The survey aims to study the problem of increasing the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication as a critical factor in the development of the tourism industry and to develop practical recommendations for improving the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication. Perception, stereotypes, and ethnocentrism are leading causes of cross-cultural communication violations. Perception relies on established stereotypes and interprets events based on familiar experiences gained in another environment and another social, everyday context. Stereotypes are relatively narrow views of a specific situation’s average statistical behavior style. Ethnocentrism is related to the stereotypical perception of other cultures. The tourism industry has constant cross-cultural interaction, especially in international tourism with long-term trips. Therefore, to determine the need for preliminary training of the tourists for cross-cultural communication, which would be effective and pleasant for all its participants, we suggest pre-determining the possibility (presence) of a significant cultural distance using one of the classifications of cultures (proposed by E. Hall or R. Lewis according to the combination of cultures). Suppose there is a significant cultural difference between cultures, and the period of stay of an international tourist in the conditions of another culture exceeds a month. In that case, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary briefing on the peculiarities of the national culture and communications with its representatives and provide a written reminder.
Keywords: cross-cultural communication, communication, communication effectiveness, cross-cultural management, perception, stereotypes, ethnocentrism, verbal communication, international tourism, development of tourism industry, tourism industry.
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The article was received 03.11.2024