УДК 336:377

Mar'yan My`kolajovy`ch TRIPAK
Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
Podilsky Special Educational Rehabilitation Socio-Economic College, Kamyanets-Podilsky city


Introduction. The problems of the influence of morality, spiritual orientations and ideological ideals on the economic activity of society become not only an actual scientific idea, but also a center of acute social discussion aimed at finding a balance between rationality, that is rapidly growing in modern society, and morality as universal human value, which must harmonize our society. Of course, moral values are the important connecting link between society, social environment and individual, personality and his inner world.

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to determine the priority of morality that affects the economic behavior of the subject of society in conditions of social and educational inclusion in Ukraine.

Results. Different approaches to understanding the result of morality influence on the economic behavior of the subject of society in terms of inclusion are analyzed, after all the state of the economy of Ukraine depends primarily on the moral and professional incentive of the manager, the politician, the businessman, etc.


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The article was received 05.10.2018