УДК 336.02:336.14
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-38
JEL classification: L32; Q01
One of the vital challenges facing both the countries of the world community and humanity as a whole today is the achievement of the global development goals defined by the United Nations. They are not just obligations of the UN member states but also a vital condition for the survival and prosperity of humanity based on sustainable development. An important aspect of this process is its resource provision since the capabilities of the state budget are limited. The article examines the problem of using the cooperation mechanism between the state and private business through public-private partnerships to achieve sustainable development goals. In particular, the concepts of “sustainable development” and “sustainable development goals” and the importance of public infrastructure in their achievement are characterized. Global investment needs for the development of public infrastructure are analyzed. Public-private partnership is characterized as a tool for developing public infrastructure and providing related services. The importance of using the PPP mechanism in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is emphasized, and directions for its application for each goal are proposed. The role of public-private partnerships as a tool for combating poverty and hunger, ensuring health, well-being, quality education, and gender equality is noted. The importance of PPPs in achieving the goals of clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent working conditions, and economic growth is examined, as well as in industrial development, innovation, and infrastructure development. The role of cooperation between the state and private business in the form of PPPs in reducing inequality, developing sustainable cities and communities, responsible production and consumption, and preventing climate change is assessed. The possibilities of using public-private partnerships in rationally using oceans and seas, terrestrial ecosystems, ensuring peace and justice, and building global partnerships for sustainable development are considered.
Keywords: public-private partnership, sustainable development, sustainable development goals, public infrastructure, private business.
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The article was received 19.10.2024