УДК 338.1:631:621.3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-69
JEL classification: Q10; Q15; O33; D81; P36
The article is dedicated to exploring the impact of transformational processes on the security of agricultural enterprises. The purpose of the study is to justify measures to overcome the economic, ecological, technological, and political threats faced by agricultural enterprises, as well as to determine ways to adapt to transformational changes in agricultural business.
The article examines the main threats to agricultural business in the context of transformational processes and develops strategic measures to minimize their impact. The study presents an analysis of economic, ecological, technological, and political-legal threats arising from changes in the global economy, climate change, and the development of new technologies. It is found that these threats can significantly affect the efficiency and stability of agricultural enterprises, but by adapting to changing conditions, it is possible to ensure their sustainable development. The study justifies the need for integrating innovative technologies and risk management strategies to enhance the competitiveness and resilience of the agricultural sector. Specific examples of measures to minimize economic threats, such as business diversification, risk hedging, and the development of organic production, are provided. The research also shows that to overcome ecological threats, it is important to adapt to climate change, implement environmental protection technologies, and monitor the state of the environment. The study reveals that technological threats can be overcome by implementing precision farming, automating production processes, and using innovative tools such as drones and the Internet of Things. It is noted that improving staff qualifications is an essential element for the effective use of new technologies and reducing dependence on the human factor. The article also examines the importance of investing in the modernization of equipment and technological infrastructure in agricultural enterprises. The proposed strategies and measures will enhance the efficiency of agricultural business, stabilize financial flows, and increase competitiveness in both domestic and international markets.
Keywords: agricultural enterprises, transformational processes, enterprise security, technological threats, economic threats, ecological threats, political threats.
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The article was received 11.01.2024