УДК 332.14

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-34

Huriev Vladyslav,
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Management and Administration,
Educational and Research Institute «Karazin Business School»
of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,

JEL classification: F63; O18; R11; Q56

This article analyzes the impact of global trends on the development of Ukrainian regions. The aim is to identify global trends and justify their consequences for Ukraine’s regional development. The article examines the influence of global trends and geopolitical factors on the economic development of Ukrainian regions. The study analyzes major global processes, such as integrating national economies, technological innovations, changes in international trade, and environmental challenges affecting regional development. The necessity for adapting regional policies to new conditions to ensure sustainable development is substantiated. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and full-scale war on Ukraine’s economic situation is also examined, revealing new challenges and opportunities for the region. The research identifies key factors that promote or hinder economic growth in specific regions. It is determined that globalization integrates national economies into the global system through international trade, investments, technology exchange, and labor mobility. This process intensifies competition among regions and may deepen socio-economic inequality. Technological progress in information technology transforms the global economy, accelerates information exchange, and opens new business opportunities. However, it may exacerbate development disparities between regions with access to advanced technologies and those without environmental challenges related to climate change, which necessitates a transition to sustainable development. Regions reliant on traditional energy sources must seek alternative energy solutions, which can be complex and costly. Conversely, regions investing in renewable energy gain a competitive edge. Global changes in trade and investments affect regional economies, with trade wars and alterations in trade agreements potentially impacting export-oriented regions negatively. Overall, the study concludes that a comprehensive regional policy is essential to leverage opportunities and mitigate risks associated with global trends. Cooperation among central and local authorities, businesses, and international partners is crucial for achieving strategic regional development goals and ensuring their competitiveness.

Keywords: development, regional development, global trends, globalization, environmental factors, digitalization.


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The article was received 19.10.2024