УДК 338.43-047.37
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-4-40
JEL classification: O 13; Q 15
Introduction. The imperfection of the state regulation process of the productivity of the resource potential use at enterprises in the agricultural sector of the economy is due to the lack of proper scientific and methodological framework for the implementation of monitoring and control processes. The solution to this problem is possible through the development of an appropriate mechanism for economic reproduction of the resource potential at the agricultural sector.
The purpose of scientific research is to determine the essence of the economic reproduction mechanism of the resource potential at the agricultural sector.
Results. The conditions for successful implementation of agrarian reform are outlined. Peculiarities of using agricultural production resources in agricultural activity are determined. The specifics of land resources as an economic object in agricultural activity are considered. The importance of regulating the economic resource potential of agricultural enterprises is substantiated. The essence of agrarian relations is determined. The existing models for estimating the efficiency and productivity of using the resource potential of agricultural enterprises are characterized. The factors are given that determine the total productivity of resource potential. The development necessity of scientific and methodical bases of monitoring and regulation of productivity in various branches of production is substantiated. The expediency of the system introduction and integral approach is substantiated for productivity concept definition of resource potential use of agrarian business formations. The negative influence scheme of government economic policy on rates of productivity growth of resource potential use is developed. It is proposed to consider the category of productivity of resource potential use as a system concept that has a dual nature.
Conclusions. Understanding the essence of the economic reproduction mechanism of the resource potential at the agricultural sector will contribute to the measures formation taking into account foreign practices aimed at the development of the domestic agro-industrial sector.
Key words: competition, resource potential, mechanism, agricultural enterprise, productivity, economic efficiency, economic reproduction, agricultural sector.
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The article was received 11.09.2019