УДК 336.76:6313
The article defines the current state of international and domestic commodity and financial markets, the essence of risk, classification of risks in conditions of uncertainty. The main risks are identified as the object of management in stock trading and the diversity of present risks, which necessitates the introduction of hedging and the practice of domestic market players. The author substantiates the implementation of the concept of exchange risk as uncertainty, which is that in theory there is a large number of possible outcomes of the developments from the decisions made, which are caused by uncertainty and inability to obtain the expected results from the realization of the goals. The urgency of using fixed-term futures contracts and options on stock exchanges is highlighted, which will provide an effective mechanism for managing price and exchange rate risks or hedging. It is proved that the hedging quality depends on the degree of correlation between spot and futures or option prices.
Keywords: risks, price risks, stock exchange activities, stock market, risk management, hedging.
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The article was received 10.08.2018