УДК: 65.012.8

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-1-23

Kotliarov Valerii Oleksandrovich,
Doctoral Student, National Aviation University,

JEL classification: F52; H56

Analytical description of the community, national strategic management of national security as the basis for the formation of state security with a reflection of the collective actions of diplomacy, administration, and general knowledge management. An attempt to create a package and goals in the context of a comprehensive strategy as a concept of concrete state action to promote social and civic science is typical in the cause-and-effect relationship of the system as a security tool.

Accumulated knowledge related primarily to modern views on the philosophical and methodological foundations of ensuring national security is presented and systematized. In particular, the principles of the scientific study of security as a social phenomenon are considered. The article is devoted to systemic aspects of the foundations of national security. The main concepts and categories of national security are considered national interests, threats and challenges to national security, the structure of national values of Ukraine, and their relationship with national interests and goals. The concept and design of the national security system, conceptual approaches to its provision, as well as the system of federal security provision, are considered in detail (in particular, such issues as identification and comprehensive assessment of the level of threats to national security, conceptual principles for assessing the state’s defense adequacy, determining the agenda for state authorities, adequate to threats to vital national interests).

Several other principles are considered issues, the solution of which depends on the effectiveness of state management decisions on ensuring national security. Among them the information model of the mechanism of state-management decision-making in the process of ensuring national security, the basis of the coordination mechanism interests of man and society, theoretical foundations, and practical aspects of the organization of strategic management in the field of national security.

Keywords: national security, state security, management strategy, and planning.


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The article was received 12.01.2023