УДК 658.8:339.9

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-24

Iryna Anatoliyivna MARKINA
Doctor of economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Management,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy
Yaroslav AKSYUK
Postgraduate student, Poltava State Agrarian Academy

JEL classification: Q13; M31


Introduction. The problem of optimization of grain processing depends on factors from the consumer market and from suppliers of raw grain, which is a limitation of the possible intensification and increase of grain products processing efficiency. Existing models cannot account for the entire sequence of changes in the quality of the grain raw material for the processing plant and, therefore, cannot optimize plan marketing effect on the production of plant varieties with the aim of obtaining a given result for the long planning periods. Area, which allows us to find a solution lies in the concept of active marketing effect on grain production with specified quality load, which actualizes the subject of the study.

The purpose of this article is to test the concept model of active marketing, on the example of grain-processing enterprise.

Results. The data for economic mechanisms modeling of grain processing are calculated on the basis of information about the impact of wheat production technologies, barley and maize for grain quality, flour, grain and starch and resource potential of the enterprise for further action. The multidimensional count of the optimal strategy determination for grain-processing and agricultural enterprises has been built. The logic of implementation the category of “interest” to the processes of organization and implementation of grain-processing enterprise marketing activity has been formulated.

Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that the topical is the development of innovative models of partnership marketing and pretension marketing, focused on preventive identification of demand and technologies of its creation, which embodies the proposed model of the active marketing of impact on grain production with specified quality load.

Keywords: control system, testing model, the concept of active marketing, grain-processing enterprise.


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The article was received 25.07.2019