УДК: 005.591.4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-2-44
JEL classification: O31; O32
The article considers operations research methods and system analysis for solving dynamic production management problems related to increasing its flexibility. The most important elements characterizing the effectiveness of the management process are the state of the management object and the presence of certain production opportunities to change its state. The organization of effective production management in the process of innovative transformations leads to the need to consider the general scheme of managing the entire complex of works carried out during this period as a complex dynamic system, which at the stage of introducing innovations is not yet sufficiently adapted to production and technological transformations due to the wide variety of alternatives for implementing the functions of such a system. It is outlined that effective methods of system analysis have not yet been developed due to the complexity and diversity of the boundary conditions of the activities of various machine-building enterprises. However, the permanent nature of the innovative transformations of their production base allows drawing a conclusion about the perspective of the simultaneous application of the technological reengineering methodology for the management system. It is substantiated that the preliminary modeling when solving the tasks of managing the production process and performing specific works on technological rehabilitation should be built taking into account the provision of the necessary efficiency of the control system. This can ensure its technological rehabilitation. The mathematical model of the interrelationship of elements that are key to increasing the efficiency of the management system at the industrial enterprise that is conducting technological rehabilitation of its production base, and which are determined by a complex of functional management tasks, is proposed.
Keywords: innovative transformations, process, management, organization, production base, parameters, project.
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The article was received 20.04.2021