УДК: 659.1:330.123.41.5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-21

Hanna Lozovska
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, The Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies
Aliona Lazutkina
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, The Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies
Lesia Donets
PhD in Technics, Associate Professor, The Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies

JEL classification: M37; M31


Introduction. Studies have shown that despite the fact that advertising management tools, including tools for promoting goods on the Internet have a high degree of development in the scientific works, many problems caused by the new economic conditions have not yet been reflected in them. Assessing the effectiveness of the use of various online advertising tools and the feasibility of their use for specific types of consumer goods has become extremely relevant for many businesses affected by the 2020 crisis.

The purpose of this article is research of target advertising as a tool of advertising management and evaluation of its effectiveness.

Results. In this article, such an advertising management tool as target advertising was analyzed, key indicators of its effectiveness were evaluated in social networks Facebook and Instagram in different periods of 2020 on the example of Instagram-women’s shoe store, as well as the impact on these indicators of 2020 crisis and quarantine measures, which were introduced in Ukraine during the year. The dynamics of such indicators as the cost of a click on the ad, the cost of 1000 ad impressions, the cost of the order, etc. The dynamics of such indicators as cost of 1000 impressions of an advertisement, cost of a click (transition on advertising), CRT (click-through rate) and cost of one order of goods are analyzed. The analysis was conducted in different periods of 2020: before quarantine, in the spring, during quarantine, after quarantine. The vector of attention in the article is aimed at determining the causes and factors that caused significant fluctuations in the effectiveness of consumer goods advertising on social networks.

Conclusions. The Internet as a media channel is characterized by high efficiency due to the significant spread and the ability to attract the target audience. Target advertising is one of the most effective tools of advertising management, as it focuses on the interests, habits, tastes and preferences of the target audience. Thus, it demonstrates its high efficiency, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, when most consumers shop online.

Keywords: marketing, advertising management, online advertising, target advertising, social networks, key performance indicators, cost per click, cost per 1000 impressions.


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The article was received 12.09.2020