УДК: 346.5:351.862
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-19
JEL classification: J28
Introduction. The issue of personnel security is one of the key issues for most domestic enterprises in times of instability of the modern business environment. In solving the problems of personnel security at the enterprise an important place is occupied by the study of risks and threats that may come from the staff of the enterprise. Undoubtedly, the essence of the personnel security component is the process of preventing destabilizing influences on the part of staff, and emphasizing the need for a comprehensive view of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, identifying destructive factors. In addition, the factors influencing the personnel security at the enterprise need more detailed substantiation, namely the identification and classification of existing personnel risks and threats.
The purpose of the article is to identify personnel risks, identify their differences from threats, as well as their systematization in the context of personnel security of enterprises.
Results. Personnel risks and threats have been identified. It is established that the risk is the possibility of unwanted spending of something in a bad coincidence, which can be avoided, while the threat is a possible danger that can only be minimized. The characteristic differences between risk and threat are outlined. Personnel risks are systematized in the areas of personnel management, which allows to determine the place of each risk and threat in the identified population, as well as to focus efforts on their prevention and development of measures to protect against adverse effects. Selected as the most significant, classification feature depending on the direction of personnel management. Reducing the impact of these risks on the activities of the enterprise and determines the success of the tasks. It is proposed to use such a criterion for personnel risks as “areas of personnel management”, which will focus efforts on the prevention of specific personnel risks and develop measures to protect against their negative impact.
Key words: classification, systematization, risk, threat, personnel security.
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The article was received 15.09.2020