УДК: 338.48.003.13
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-51
JEL classification: Q26; O31; E22
Tourism is one of the most promising sectors of the global economy, providing new jobs, budget revenues, infrastructure, and cultural heritage. Ukraine has a unique tourist and recreational potential based on the diversity of natural landscape zones, rich historical and cultural heritage, and geographical location at the crossroads of Eurasia. However, this potential is only partially utilized due to the low competitiveness of the national tourism product in the international market. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to formulate and implement a practical innovation and investment policy for the State in the field of tourism and recreation. This study analyzes the problems and prospects for the development of the tourism and recreation sector of Ukraine in the context of globalization and crisis. The authors propose a system of innovation and investment measures that will contribute to the modernization and competitiveness of Ukraine’s tourism product in the global market. Such measures include the development of a national tourism development Strategy, improvement of legal regulation of investment activities, stimulation of innovations in the field of tourism, formation of a network of medical and eco-tourism clusters, etc. The authors substantiate the need for Ukraine’s integration into the international tourism system as a factor of economic growth and social well-being. The tourism and recreation industry are the most profitable sectors of the country’s economy. In addition, it significantly contributes to the development of the cultural and social spheres. It restores the physical and psycho-emotional state of the population, ensuring sustainable development in the long term. Due to its favorable geographical location and significant recreational and tourist potential, Ukraine is attractive to foreign tourists. However, the potential is not a determining factor of efficiency and success today. Therefore, with appropriate opportunities but without true innovation and investment support, recreational and tourism resources cannot develop effectively and bring economic or social benefits. The strategy for restoring the tourism and recreational potential should combine the interests of the tourism industry and society, the efforts of the state, and the business sector to solve the complex economic problems of the tourism and recreation industry under martial law.
Keywords: economic strategy, tourism potential, recreational potential, tourism services market, restoration of tourism potential.
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The article was received 07.04.2022