УДК: 658.5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-4-2

Liubokhynets Larysa
PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Khmelnytskyi National University
Lisovsky Ihor
PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Khmelnytskyi National University

JEL classification: H56; O10

The study considers the relevance of the problem of forming the economic security system at the enterprise in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy. The purpose of the research is the identification of risks and threats, as well as the justification of the means of forming the system of economic security at the enterprise in the conditions of digitalization of business relations. The study revealed the relevance of the problem of forming the economic security system of the enterprise in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy. The purpose of the research is the identification of risks and threats, as well as the justification of the means of forming the system of economic security at the enterprise in the conditions of digitalization of business relations. The level and volumes of global electronic commerce are characterized. Data on the number of users and the dynamics of the time spent by the average Internet user on the Internet daily in 2015–2020 are presented. Forecast estimates of the growth of the global virtual reality market in individual sectors and industries until 2027 have been made. The results of an expert survey of top managers of enterprises regarding the use of digital communication tools during business development strategizing are given. The results of the factor analysis regarding the influence of the factors of digitization of business relations on the key parameters of the development of enterprises are reflected and characterized. Risks and threats to the components of the economic security of enterprises caused by the digitalization of business relations have been identified. The directions and tools for improving the economic security system of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization of business relations are defined and substantiated.

Keywords: economic security of the enterprise; economy and enterprise management; risks and threats; digital transformation; digitalization of business relations


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The article was received 15.11.2022