УДК: 330.322:332.024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-36

Stehnei Marianna,
Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Mukachevo State University,
Chernychko Tetiana,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Mukachevo State University,
Khaustova Kseniia,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Mukachevo State University,
Lintur Inna,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Mukachevo State University,

JEL classification: Q01

The growing need to ensure balanced and harmonious development of both entrepreneurship and territorial complexes, considering practical and strategic aspects of sustainable development, proves the relevance of the chosen topic. This approach involves aligning the interests of various parties, such as entrepreneurs, local authorities, public organizations, and other stakeholders, to promote sustainable progress and improve the quality of life in the territory. This study aims to create an effective interaction between entrepreneurial activity and the development of settlements, which will contribute to sustainable economic, social, and environmental development. The possibilities of sustainable, mutually coordinated development of entrepreneurship and territorial complexes were studied. The processes of power decentralization in Ukraine are characterized. The significance of cooperation between representatives of entrepreneurship, authorities, local self-government, and the public has been proven. The reasons and consequences of such collaboration are systematized. The social responsibility of business, inclusiveness, sustainability, and economic security of the development of entrepreneurship and territorial complexes are substantiated. Varieties of partnership relations within the mutually coordinated development of entrepreneurship and territorial complexes are characterized. The importance of partnership relations between various parties for effective joint problem-solving, ensuring development sustainability, and optimizing resource use has been proven. The interaction of businesses, authorities, and the public stimulates inclusive development, involving all population segments in decision-making processes and project implementation. Modern challenges and crises associated with the unprovoked invasion of Russia require even greater coordination and cooperation of representatives of the business sphere with local authorities and self-government bodies to ensure stability and adaptation to new conditions. Inclusive development of entrepreneurship and territorial complexes is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development of territories and improving the population’s quality of life. Joint interaction, considering the interests of various parties, and developing partnership relations are essential tools for effectively solving modern challenges and ensuring sustainable development.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, territorial complexes, territorial communities, sustainable development, decentralization, corporate social responsibility, economic security, inclusivity, innovation, and investment opportunities.


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The article was received 25.02.2023