УДК 330.341.1+330.368
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-14
JEL classification: A19; B49; L10; M29; O12
The relevance of the article is determined by the need for further development of theoretical support for models of economic relations, which have recently been significantly changing and transforming: from the constant, predictable, defined SPOD-world to the changing, unknown and unclear VUCA-world, fragile, disturbing nonlinear BANI-world, turbulent and chaotic DEST-world, which requires the search for new theories, models and methods of their research which would allow economic entities to adapt to such changes and ensure the success of their activities. One of the promising models for the development of economic relations in the international space is the experience economy, in the context of which the activities of enterprises can ensure the process of strategizing. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to improve and develop the composition of the conceptual and categorical apparatus, and to determine the directions for further research on the experience economy and strategy in their symbiosis based on modeling the relationships between them using modern methods adequate to the subject and object of research. The main research methods used are bibliometric, content analysis and VOSviewer v.1.6.10 software. Based on the analysis of publications in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science for the period from 1971 to 2024, the main articles on the issues of experience economy and strategizing, the concepts used in them, their geographical and chronological focus were identified, network maps were built, on the basis of which clusters of basic concepts, their intra-cluster and external cluster relationships were identified, the composition of the conceptual and categorical apparatus was substantiated and directions for further research on the model of experience economy and strategizing were identified. The practical value of the obtained results lies in the first substantiation of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the experience economy and strategizing in their symbiosis, which should be used to form the conceptual, methodological and methodological support of the experience economy, which will be used by enterprises to formulate and implement strategies for their successful life in today’s unstable economic conditions.
Keywords: experience economy; strategizing; strategy; concepts; economic relations; international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science; clusters; network maps; directions for further research.
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The article was received 25.10.2024