УДК: 658.147
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-41
JEL classification: G32
Introduction. Joint stock companies play a leading role in modern economic life. In particular, this is reflected in their significant share in the GDP of countries. That is, in general, on the scale of the national economy, joint stock companies play an important role in the reproduction of total capital, its economic potential. The issue of share capital management is especially relevant for domestic enterprises. Due to the difficult political and economic situation in Ukraine, companies are unable to fully realize the benefits of joint ownership. The efficiency of share capital management directly affects the financial condition of the enterprise, competitiveness and long-term prospects for their development.
The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological principles of structural construction of the management system of the enterprise share capital, as a key factor in solving the problem of the share capital management of enterprises in Ukraine.
Results. It is established that the imperfection of the current legislation of Ukraine, which regulates the management of authorized capital of joint-stock companies, and the lack of effective mechanisms to protect the rights of investors hinder investment in shares of domestic issuers. As a result, in recent years in Ukraine there has been a tendency to reduce the number of issues in order to increase the authorized capital of joint stock companies. It is substantiated that the solu-tion of the problems of financial support and corporate management of the development of joint-stock companies requires the formation of a holistic system of capital management of the joint-stock company. The main components of the management system are the following subsystems of share capital management: management methodologies; management organizations; commu-nication support; regulatory support; staffing; logistics. The structure of the management system of formation and use of the share capital of the joint-stock company is covered. The characteristics of corporate rights management functions (shares of share capital) are detailed, where the emphasis is on the essence of the function and the result of its implementation.
Keywords: share capital, joint-stock companies, problems of corporate rights management, capital management, functions of corporate rights management.
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The article was received 12.10.2020