УДК 631.1.016

Valentyna I. Aranchiy
PhD in economics, professor, rector, professor of the Department of Finance and Credit,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy
Оleksii P. Zoria
PhD in economics, associate professor,
associate professor of the Department of Finance and Credit,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy
Olena A. Riznychenko
postgraduate student, Department of Finance and Credit,
Poltava State Agrarian Academy


Introduction. In the conditions of integration processes and globalization of the economy, the agro-industrial complex itself is one of the most promising directions of the structural adjustment of the national economy. An effective strategy formation for the agrarian sector development in Ukraine and business entities in this field requires identification of the existing problems and the search for effective ways of their solution.

The purpose of the study is to summarize theoretical and methodical principles, develop methodological and practical recommendations for the strategy formation for the domestic agricultural enterprises development in the conditions of economy globalization on the basis of the strengths and weaknesses of agriculture in Ukraine.

Results. Emphasizing the key development opportunities and strengths of agricultural production in Ukraine gave the opportunity to form a promising strategy for the development of business entities, which, in the first place, provides for minimizing the threats of the external environment and overcoming the weaknesses of the internal environment.

Conclusions. The results of our SWOT-analysis of agricultural development are a kind of roadmap that conceptually reflects the strategic direction of agrarian enterprises’ development in the medium and long term, both from the standpoint of the development of the domestic food market and the export-oriented position.


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The article was received 12.11.2018