УДК: 658.5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-50

Olena Havrylchenko
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Business, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

JEL classification: L10; M11; M21

The theoretical and methodological aspects of the strategic management of the potential at agricultural enterprises and the peculiarities of its implementation in practical activities were investigated. It is determined that the strategic management system of the enterprise must be considered as a systemically synthesized and long-term perspective set of interdependent subjects and objects (elements of economic potential) of management, interacting in the process of developing and implementing the strategy of its behavior in the external economic space. The process of strategic management of forming the resource potential at the agrarian enterprise is proposed, which combines the principle of dominance of elements, the evaluation of the efficiency of using the resource potential and its components, and the types of strategies, reflects the peculiarities of the formation and efficiency of using the resource potential at the agrarian enterprise, allowing to identify an adequate strategy for ensuring competitiveness and the progressive development at the agrarian enterprise. In the presented model based on a comprehensive approach, the factors of the external and internal environment, the mechanism of strategic management and the structure of resource potential are combined, which allows developing a competitive strategy. In particular, within the framework of the proposals, directions for improving the management of land resources within the framework of efficient management and land use strategy in the region, with an emphasis on agricultural enterprises of Kharkiv Oblast, are proposed. The result of a strategic diagnosis of the resource potential in clusters of profitable and unprofitable agrarian enterprises of Kharkiv Oblast is presented (according to the indicators averaged per enterprise).

Keywords: agrarian enterprise potential, resource potential, strategic management, diagnostics, efficient management, competitiveness.


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The article was received 10.04.2022